Reports for on-call teams
This article highlights a new alerting feature that's natively available in Compass and is gradually rolling out to some customers. It may not yet be visible or available on your site.
The charts on your reports are set to auto-refresh every 30 mins and display time in UTC timezone.
Alert statistics for the month
This gives you a quick overview of the month’s most important alert metrics, such as the mean time to acknowledge and close and the number of alerts by team, per hour, and per day.
Number of alerts per hour
The number of alerts created and then distributed over each hour of the day.Number of alerts by teams
The number of alerts that each team received in the current month. If there are no teams assigned to an alert, they will show up under 'No team'.Number of alerts per day
The number of alerts created per day with mean value and standard deviation band.
Alert MTTA/R analytics
Provides an aggregated view of details of alerts that were acknowledged and resolved by the on-call teams, over a designated period.
You can filter all charts by tags, teams, owner, priority, source, integration, message, acknowledged by (team member), closed by (team member), elapsed time to acknowledge, elapsed time to close, and date created.
Daily meantime to acknowledge
Shows the average time it takes to acknowledge alerts per day, the maximum and minimum acknowledgment time, and the total number of alerts acknowledged.Daily mean time to resolve
It shows the average time it takes to resolve alerts per day, the maximum and minimum resolution time, and number of alerts resolved.Alert metrics per user
Shows alert-related attributes for the users who are the recipients of the alerts that the team received. This includes total alerts that the user received, how many of them were acknowledged by the user, how many of them got escalated, the percentage of them that were acknowledged to escalated, and the user’s mean time to acknowledge.
Alert analytics
It shows you a detailed breakdown of the alerts created for your on-call teams so you can gain insights and review the alert response.
You can filter all charts by teams, owner, source, message, tag, integration, acknowledged by (team member), closed by (team member), priority, elapsed time to acknowledge, elapsed time to close, and date created.
Number of alerts by status
The number of alerts grouped by status.Number of alerts by priority
The number of alerts grouped by priority level.Number of alerts per day by status
The daily distribution of alerts grouped by status.Number of alerts per day by priority
The daily distribution of alerts grouped by priority.Number of alerts per day
The distribution of alerts created per day.Number of alerts by source
The alert count from different sources.Alerts by tag
The alert count from different tags.Number of alerts by hour
The distribution of alerts created each hour of the day.Number of alerts by team
The number of alerts for each team.Number of alerts by day of week
The number of alerts received during business hours and off-hours distributed per day of the week. Available only for individual on-call team report.
Number of alerts closed versus total alerts
The number of alerts created after the beginning date of the time interval versus the number of alerts closed. Available only for individual on-call team report.
Notification analytics
This shows a detailed breakdown of all types of notifications received by your team members over a period of time defined by the date filter. The data is shown in a comprehensive way, showing the different methods that were used to send notifications based on notification rules, comparing methods in a bar graph, and a numerical table with notification method counts.
You can filter all charts by notified user, method, and date.
Daily notifications by method
The distribution of each method or type of notification on each day. Each method or type refers to email notifications, push notifications on mobile, and SMS notifications.Incoming calls by date
This is the count of incoming international and national call notifications based on the date filter.Daily notifications by date
The count of notifications by method and date, with totals.User notification count by type
The notification count per user and method (email, push on mobile, SMS, and the total number of notifications).
Team productivity analytics
It provides an in-depth look at a particular team and the alerts they receive over a time period. It gives an idea of the alerts received by the team grouped by date, status, and priority filters. This includes the closed, acknowledged, and escalated alerts by the team.
You can filter all charts by team, escalation level, user, status, priority, and date range.
Alerts acknowledged by the team
The number of alerts received by the team that were acknowledged by the team members versus alerts acknowledged by others.Alerts closed by the team
The number of alerts received by the team that were closed by the team members versus alerts closed by others.Alerts escalated by the team
The alerts received by the team that were escalated by the team grouped by the highest rule applied in the team’s escalations.Alerts per day by status
The daily distribution of alerts grouped by status.Alerts per day by priority
The daily distribution of alerts grouped by priority.Alert metrics per user
This shows alert-related attributes for the users who are the recipients of the alerts that the team received. This includes total alerts that the user received, how many of them were acknowledged by the user, how many of them got escalated, the percentage of them that were acknowledged to escalated, and the user’s mean time to acknowledge.
User productivity analytics
Streamlines the effective tracking and management of user-handled alerts, their priorities, status, and acknowledgment. It also shows alert escalations and reassignments, helping you make informed decisions and resolve alerts efficiently.
When you access this dashboard, you must select a user in the filter as a first action, else data won't display on the charts.
You can filter the charts by the user, the person on call, status, priority, and date created.
Alerts acknowledged by user
The number of alerts acknowledged by the alert owners (users) versus the alerts acknowledged by others (non-alert owners).Alerts closed by user
The number of alerts closed by alert owners (users) versus the alerts closed by others (non-alert owners).Daily created alerts by status
The number of alerts categorized by status (open, acknowledged, and closed) that are routed to the users.Daily created alerts by priority
The number of alerts categorized by priority (critical, high, moderate, low, informational) that are routed to the users.
On-call time analytics
It gives an in-depth look at the on-call times of a specific team selected over a time period by breaking it down into schedules and time intervals.
Filter all charts by user, schedule, rotation, and date.
Hourly distribution of total on-call times
Sum of on-call durations spread across the hours of a day. It’s essentially the total on-call times for all members of the team for each hour of the day.Daily distribution of total on-call times
Sum of on-call durations spread across the days of a week. It’s essentially the total on-call times for all members of the team for each day of the week.On call times
Shows the total non-overlapping (distinct) on-call time and total overlapped on-call time for the users in the selected team.On-call times per schedule
Gives information on the user's total distinct on-call time for each schedule of the team selected. The distinct on-call time is calculated after discarding overlapping rotations within a schedule. Hover over the percentage to view the total on-call hours of the user for a particular schedule.On-call segmentation
Gives the on-call segments for each team member and the schedules during which they were on call. All of the schedules that the user is in are combined in one single bar graph.
Total on-call times per user
Total distinct on-call times of each user during business hours and off hours, distributed over the specified date range.
Filter the chart by the date range, number of business days, and business hours.
Total on-call times per user
This chart shows users’ distinct on-call time after discarding overlapping rotations and schedules. The maximum on-call time of a user can't be greater than 24 hours per day. The business hour range filter indicates which time interval is counted as business hours. This filter will be applied according to the timezone of each user listed in the table, that is, the viewer will see the on-call times of each user distributed according to the business hours of the listed user. The business day range is specified with numbers 1 to 7, starting from Monday.
Incoming call
Incoming call routing
This dashboard shows data for the incoming calls routed globally for a specified time period, insights into overall incoming call routing, and the individual users who handled the calls.
You can filter all charts by from (number), to (number)priority, status, and date.
Number of incoming calls by date
Based on the selected date in the filter, this bar graph shows the total number of incoming calls routed per day during a selected time frame. Each bar is for a list of the alerts for that day to see the details, which are the same as the Incoming Call Details listed below.Incoming call details
This shows the details of incoming calls with the call date, duration, the user who answered and all necessary data describing the call. This includes include call date, from (number), to (number), status of the call (whether it was answered or a message was left behind), call duration, duration to answer the call, the user who answered it, and the number of users called.Incoming call usage per user
This shows the aggregated details of incoming call usage for each user. This includes the number of calls answered, the number of calls missed, the total number of calls, and the total answer duration.