Integrate with Sysdig Cloud

Integrate with Sysdig Cloud

Compass's Sysdig Cloud integration enables Sysdig Cloud users to take advantage of Compass's advanced alert and notifications management capabilities, such as escalations, on-call schedule management, and extensive alert notification controls.

Set up the integration

Sysdig Cloud is an API integration. Setting it up involves the following steps:

  • Add a Sysdig Cloud integration in Compass

  • Configure the integration in Sysdig Cloud

Add a Sysdig Cloud integration

In this release, only incoming integrations are fully supported in the Standard plan, at a team level. To use outgoing integrations or the outgoing part of bidirectional integrations, upgrade to a higher subscription plan. There may be restrictions on how you can create and apply integration rules as well.

You can add this integration only from your team’s operations page. Adding an integration from your team’s operations page makes your team the owner of the integration. This means Compass only assigns the alerts received through this integration to your team.

To add a Sysdig Cloud integration in Compass, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to your team’s operations page.

  2. On the left navigation panel, select Integrations and then Add integration.

  3. Run a search and select “Sysdig Cloud”.

  4. On the next screen, enter a name for the integration.

  5. Optional: Select a team in Assignee team if you want a specific team to receive alerts from the integration.

  6. Select Continue.
    The integration is saved at this point.

  7. Expand the Steps to configure the integration section and copy the API key.
    You will use this key while configuring the integration in Sysdig Cloud later.

  8. Select Turn on integration.
    The rules you create for the integration will work only if you turn on the integration.

Configure the integration in Sysdig Cloud

  1. In Sysdig Cloud, go to Settings > Notification Channels.

  2. Select Add Notification Channel > Compass.

  3. Paste the API key previously copied from Compass into API Key.

  4. Enter a value for Channel Name.

  5. Ensure that Enabled and Test notification is active.

  6. Select SAVE.

  7. Go to the Alerts page and check if a test alert is created.

  8. Go to the Alerts tab of Sysdig Cloud.

  9. Select an alert, select Compass integration under Notify, and select SAVE.

  10. Enable the selected alert.

Sample payload sent from Sysdig Cloud


{ "timestamp": 1552549316624000, "timespan": 600000000, "alert": { "severity": 2, "editUrl": "https://app.sysdigcloud.com/#/alerts/5757", "scope": "host.mac = \"08:00:27:70:1a:03\"", "name": "TEST ALERT: Testing Notification Channel Test", "description": "Alert description", "id": 5757 }, "event": { "id": 8724, "url": "https://app.sysdigcloud.com/#/events/notifications/l:604800/8724/details", "username": "test@opsgenie.com" }, "state": "ACTIVE", "resolved": false, "entities": [ { "entity": "host.mac = '08:00:27:70:1a:03' and container.name = 'container1_0'", "metricValues": [ { "metric": "cpu.used.percent", "aggregation": "avg", "groupAggregation": "avg", "value": 90.67236455788036 } ], "additionalInfo": [ { "metric": "host.hostName", "value": "Host-0" } ] } ], "condition": "avg(cpu.used.percent) > 85", "source": "Sysdig Cloud" }

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